Becoming a Veterinary Teledentistry Phenom?
What is Companion Animal Teledentistry?
Teledental health is a very broad category of solutions that service patient's oral health at a distance by doing it remotely.
People who do not have an animal dentist, lack access to an animal dentist, or live far from an animal dentist's office can be helped with this level of care – via audio-telephone or Virtual Video experience.
Don't worry it is quite simple to set up your Virtual Exam with Dr. DeForge!
If you have a problem one of Dr. DeForge's oral liaisons will assist you so you can readily schedule this appointment on your lap top, cell phone; or tablet.
The Teledentistry concept revolves around VIRTUAL systems that allow these technologies to be blended to improve access to care!
History collection; a preliminary diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of dental information and education all can be initiated with Teledentistry.
A definitive diagnosis is only confirmed with an on-site examination under "twilight" gas inhalation anesthesia with digital oral radiology! [an extension of Teledentistry]
Dr. Don DeForge acts as a consultant with eVetDiagnostics to interpret oral radiology on a national basis through Teledentistry!
Defining Teledentistry in Review:
Telemedicine/Teledentistry refers to the “virtual visits” that take place between patient and clinician via communication technology — this video and audio connectivity allows “virtual” meetings to occur in real time, from virtually any location.
A Teledental visit is a Videoconference between a dentist and a patient regarding an urgent dental or oral health problem, and it can also give patients improved access to information about the importance of oral health.
How does Teledentistry help me and my pet?
- No transportation time or costs
- No need to take time off of work
- Less Time in the Waiting Room
- Better Oral Health for the pet you love
- Virtual rechecks on-demand
Is it expensive?
The answer is the advantages are limitless and the cost is a fraction of a standard recheck in most veterinary hospitals. The world is changing and Virtual Exams will be as common in the near future as getting in your car to visit your doc or animal doc in the past.
Become a Virtual Phenom by allowing Dr. DeForge into your home with a Video Chat. It will become the beginning of a wonderful relationship in modern oral care. Start Virtual.... allow the road to a pain free quality of life to begin today.
Questions: E-Mail
Donald H DeForge, VMD
Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry